Analog Electronics Questions

 Analog Electronics Questions

  1. Derive the expression for the CE short circuit current gain Ai as a function of frequency using the Hybrid - π model. [10]
  2. Draw the circuit of a two-stage R-C coupled transistor amplifier and explain its working of it. [4] 
  3. Discuss briefly the Cascode amplifier. [4] 
  4. What is square law distortion? What is its effect in FET amplifiers? [4] 
  5. Draw the small-signal high-frequency circuit of a common source amplifier and derive the expression for voltage gain. [6] 
  6. Explain with the help of mathematical expressions, how the negative feedback in amplifiers increases amplifier bandwidth and reduces distortion in amplifiers. [5]
  7. What are the factors that affect the frequency stability of an oscillator? How frequency stability can be improved in oscillators. [5]
  8. Derive the equation for maximum efficiency of a class A transformer coupled amplifier. [5]
  9. What is Bias? What is the need for biasing? [2] 
  10. How does the input impedance increases due to darlington connection? [3] 
  11. Define Gain bandwidth product. [2] 
  12. Mention important characteristics of CE amplifier. [3] 
  13. Write the expression for basic current equation in MOSFET. [2] 
  14. Compare the AC circuit characteristics of the CS, CG and CD. [3] 
  15. List the four basic feedback topologies. [2] 
  16. State Barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillation. What will happen to the oscillation if the magnitude of the loop gain is greater than unity? [3] 
  17. Define Harmonic distortion and intermodulation distortion. [2] 
  18. What are the advantages of push-pull amplifiers? [3]
  19. What is Bias? What is the need for biasing? [2] 
  20. How does the input impedance increases due to darlington connection? [3] 
  21. Define Gain bandwidth product. [2] 
  22. Mention important characteristics of CE amplifier. [3] 
  23. Write the expression for basic current equation in MOSFET. [2] 
  24. Compare the AC circuit characteristics of the CS, CG and CD. [3] 
  25. List the four basic feedback topologies. [2] 
  26. State Barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillation. What will happen to the oscillation if the magnitude of the loop gain is greater than unity? [3] 
  27. Define Harmonic distortion and intermodulation distortion. [2] 
  28. what are the advantages of push-pull amplifiers? [3]
  29. Discuss the low-frequency response of BJT amplifier and the effect of coupling and bypass capacitors.[5] 
  30. Explain the different coupling schemes used in amplifiers. [5]
  31. Derive the expression for CE short circuit current gain Ai as a function of frequency. [6]  
  32. Compare the performance of BJT and FET amplifiers. [5] 
  33. Draw and explain the CS amplifier with current source load. Derive an expression for Av. [5]
  34. Draw and explain the MOS small signal model. [5] 
  35. Discuss the analysis of CD JFET amplifier. [5]
  36. Compare the RC phase shift and wein bridge oscillators. [5]
  37. Explain the principle of operation of class C amplifier. [5]
  38. Design a class B power amplifier to deliver 25 W to a load resistors RL=8 Ω using transformer coupling, Vm=VCC=25 V. Assume reasonable data where ever necessary. [5]
  39. An RF tuned voltage amplifier using FET with rd=100 KΩ and gm=500µs has tuned circuit, consisting of L=2.5mH and C=200 pF as its load. At its resonant frequency, the circuit offers an equivalent shunt resistance of 100 KΩ. For the amplifier, determine the (i) the resonant gain (ii) the effective Q and (iii) the bandwidth. [5] 
  40. Draw and explain the double-tuned amplifier with the help of the frequency response. [5]
  41. What are the types of distortion in amplifiers. [2] 
  42. Classify the amplifiers according to the method of coupling. [3] 
  43. Why the h parameter model is not suitable to analyze transistors at high frequencies. [2] 
  44. What are the elements in the Hybrid ‘Π’ model? [3] 
  45. What is a cascade amplifier? [2] 
  46. State the advantages and disadvantages of the source follower. [3] 
  47. What is meant by positive and negative feedback? [2] 
  48. State the Barkhausen criterion for oscillations. [3] 
  49. What are the requirements of a tuned amplifier? [2] 
  50. Give the definition of power amplifier. Also list the types in it based on location of Q point. [3] 
  51. Draw the h-parameter equivalent circuit for a typical common emitter amplifier and derive expression for Ai , Av, Ri and Ro [10] 
  52. Derive an expression for current gain with resistive load.[5]
  53. In hybrid ‘pi’ model of a transistor at high frequencies, show that the gm is proportional to the collector current. [5]
  54. Discuss the input and output characteristics of a folded cascade amplifier with NMOS input. [5]
  55. Derive expression for Av and Ro for common gate amplifier. [5]
  56. Draw and explain the CS stage with diode connected load. [5] 
  57. Discuss the MOSFET characteristics in depletion mode. [5]
  58. Explain the principle of operation of the wein bridge oscillator. [5]
  59. Mention the features and advantages of the crystal oscillator. [5]
  60. Show that the transformer coupled class A amplifier maximum efficiency is 50%. [5]
  61. Compare the push-pull class B and complementary symmetry class B amplifier. [5]
  62. A tuned amplifier is required to have a voltage gain of 30 at 10.7 MHz with 200 kHz BW. An FET with gm=5 mA/V and rd=100 KΩ is available. Calculate the values of tank circuit elements. [5]
  63. Draw and explain the frequency response of tuned amplifier. [5]
  64. Explain the principle of operation of the wein bridge oscillator. [5]  
  65. Mention the features and advantages of the crystal oscillator. [5]
  66. Show that the transformer coupled class A amplifier maximum efficiency is 50%. [5]
  67. Compare the push-pull class B and complementary symmetry class B amplifier. [5]
  68. A tuned amplifier is required to have a voltage gain of 30 at 10.7 MHz with 200 KHz BW. An FET with gm=5 mA/V and rd=100 KΩ is available. Calculate the values of tank circuit elements. [5]
  69. Draw and explain the frequency response of tuned amplifier. [5]
  70. Draw the h-parameter equivalent circuit for a typical common emitter amplifier and derive expression for Ai , AV, Ri and RO. [10]
  71. For any transistor amplifier, Prove that Ri = ( hi/1-hrAv) [5] 
  72. Draw the circuit diagram of the RC coupled amplifier. Explain the operation and its frequency response. [5]
  73. Derive the expression for the CE short circuit gain Ai as a function of frequency using the hybrid – π model. [10]
  74. In the hybrid ‘Pi’ model of a transistor at high frequencies, show that the gm is proportional to the collector current. [5] 
  75. Mention important characteristics of CE amplifiers. [5]
  76. With the help of a neat diagram explain the operation of an n-channel enhancement type MOSFET. [5]
  77. Explain how you set a Q point in a self-biased JFET. [5]
  78. An amplifier has a mid-band gain of 125 and a bandwidth of 250KHz. If 4% negative feedback is introduced, find the new bandwidth and gain. [5]
  79. Derive an expression for the frequency of oscillations of RC phase shift oscillators. [5]
  80. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the introduction of negative feedback in amplifiers? Explain. [5]
  81. Draw and explain the operation of Colpitt’s oscillator. [5] 
  82. Draw the circuit diagram of the class B push-pull amplifier and explain its operation. Also prove that its conversion efficiency is 78.5%. [10]
  83. Explain the principle of operation of the class-AB power amplifier with a neat sketch. [5]  
  84. Discuss in detail about frequency response of tuned amplifiers. [5]
  85. Draw the constructional details of n-channel MOSFET. State its working principle. [5]  
  86. Compare CB, CE and CC configuration of BJT. [5]  
  87. Differentiate between P-type and N-type Semiconductors.Also name the doping materials used for their formation?

  88. In the Circuit Given Below, determine the Output Voltage. op-amp-himanshu Op-amp 741 Circit problem

  89. Explain IC 741 along with its Pin Diagram and ideal Characteristics of Op-amp.

  90. An Amplifier has i/p of 1000 volts and Gain of the amplifier is 20. Of the total O/p 50 % is fed to the I/P as Feedback. Find the Value of Final O/P and also find whether the amplifier will be able to get sustained oscillations or not.

  91. Explain Concept of Feedback in amplifiers?

  92. What are  Oscillators? Explain Their types and Principle involved?

  93. Compare Characteristics of Transistors in its Various modes of Operation. Also state which is best Configuration among these.

  94. Explain LED, the materials chosen for its formation, Working and Draw Voltage-Current Characteristics?

  95. Explain Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator.

  96. Why Silicon is mostly proffered as a Semiconductor material. Explain by giving at least five reasons ?

  97. Explain op-amp as  Differentiator and Integrator. Also draw the output Waveforms?

  98. Explain the working of the Circuit Diagram shown below. Also Give the truth table for this figure. Mosfet Mosfet Circuit Diagram

  99. Explain the Enhancement and Depletion mode of JFET along with their Transfer Curves.

  100. What are the basic applications of MOSFET, SCR, TRIAC and UJT?

  101. Write Short notes on P/N Junction Diodes and its applications.

  102. Write Short notes on Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors

  103. Write Short notes on Clipper and Clampers

  104. Write Short notes on Concept of DC and AC load Line.
